Reports and Statistics

In Mobility-Online, reports and statistics for internal and external purposes can be created at a touch of a button. Moreover, all reports and statistical data can be exported into common formats. Apart from the table view, data can also be graphically displayed.

Mobility-Online users also benefit from standardized annual reports and automated data exchange between Mobility-Online and third-party systems.


By means of the integrated report generator, Mobility-Online supports the export of any data pre-selected according to certain criteria into a variety of formats (MS Word, XLS, PDF, XML, ASCII, etc.). The preselected data can also be displayed in a form of charts.

Mobility-Online has the function of generating permanent links to the executed reports. The system stores the report criteria within the link so users are not required to make the pre-selection all over again if they want to view the report multiple times.


Apart from the report generation, the pre-implemented reports are offered. Standard reports can be created for master data, application data, mobilities, questionnaires, partners, agreements, etc. The reports can also be saved to favorites with one click, in case this pre-selection is needed at a later time.

In addition, Mobility-Online supports the automated generation of reports for the European Commission and national agencies. Among others, data exchange with Mobility Tool is fully supported.